28 March 2024
Unique workshop with aviation industry, SWISSMEM and FOCA
The aim of the workshop was to develop solutions and alternatives to find enough skilled professionals in future for the maintenance sector of our industry.
The basis for the development of solution ideas and alternatives was formed by conducting interviews with aircraft technicians and employees of maintenance companies beforehand. Based on the interview responses, it was possible to start into the workshop.
A possible solution or improvement to the overall situation was worked out in four different groups and presented to a selected committee at the end of the day.
The following starting points were developed:
- Optimisation of the lateral entry model for licensed Aircraft Technicians
- Development of an own apprenticeship for Aircraft Technicians
- Harmonisation of Swiss and European regulations (FOCA & EASA)
- Marketing and public relations work for the profession of an Aircraft Technician
The four possible solutions were presented to the above-mentioned committee, which analysed and judged the options.
Many thanks are due to the committee, which was composed as follows:
- Christian Hegner | Director of FOCA
- Gianmario Giacomelli | Vice Director of FOCA, Head of Division Safety Aircraft
- Fritz Messerli | Vice Director of FOCA, Head of Division Safety Flightoperations
- Dr. Claus Bauer | Vice President Fleet Management & PO Engineering of Swiss International Air Lines
- Dr. Stefan Brupbacher | Director of SWISSMEM
- Stephan Regli | President of SAMA
The workshop was followed by small group discussions and meetings to decide on the next steps and to focus on a realistic and effective solution to counteract the shortage of skilled professionals in the short- and medium term.
The first project groups were defined in March, with SAMA representatives from the areas of aircraft and helicopter manufacturers, maintenance and components. We will continously keep you informed about the progress of these projects.
As an association, we would like to thank the following member companies and persons for their very important cooperation in the run-up to and at the workshop, and for their valuable and very constructive collaboration:
- AAL Altenrhein Aviation | Christoph Müller, Head of Quality
- AAL Altenrhein Aviation | Stefan Kroh, Head of Maintenance
- Aero Group | Rolf Pellet, Head of Quality & NPCA
- AeroVisto Interior Services | Hermann Bauer, CVO
- AeroVisto Interior Services | Carsten Matthiesen, CCO
- Air Glaciers | Ralf Tonezzer, Technical Manager & NPCA
- Cessna Zurich Citation Service Center | Roland Müller, Head of Quality
- Flight Maintenance MFGZ | Andy Kradolfer, CEO
- Hedinger MRO | René Müller, Owner & Managing Director
- Helvetic Airways | Simon Schatzmann, Head of Business Development
- Nomad Technics | Christian Sacker, Head of Quality & Debuty CEO
- Pilatus Aircraft | Matthias Klein, Director Aircraft Maintenance
- RUAG Switzerland | Enzo Giannini, Head of Operations
- SAMA | Stefan Oser, Vice President & Board Member
- Swiss Air Force | Brigadier Christian Oppliger, Deputy Commander Air Force
- Swiss Aeropole | Massimo Fiorin, Managing Director
- Swiss International Air Lines | Jessica Barbagallo, Head of Maintenance
- SR Technics Switzerland | Zeljko Raisic, Senior Vice President Safety & Regulatory Compliance
- SR Technics Switzerland | Jean-Marc Lenz, former CEO
- REGA Swiss Air-Ambulance | Andreas Lüthi, CFO
- TEKO Schweizerische Fachschule | Adrian Aegler, Managing Director
Additionally for great preworks, coordination and also moderation of the workshop:
- SWISSMEM | Marianne Röhricht, Head of Education Politics
- SWISSMEM | Matthias Zoller, Secretary General of SWISS ASD
- Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA | Linda Eggenberger, Research Employee
- Federal Office of Civil Aviation FOCA | Gianpaolo Cecchin, Head of Section Airspace
- Erb Coaching & Beratung | Philipp Erb, Owner & Coach
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